Join us May 11th, 2019, 7:30 pm at the historic landmark Ogden High School auditorium for a free show celebrating jazz arts featuring Katrina Cannon’s fantastic vocals, Jay Lawrence on vibraphone, and special guest Don Keipp on percussion and sharing the drum chair with the fabulous Joe Shaw and the Night Star Jazz Orchestra.

Katrina Cannon
The program will feature numbers from the Terry Gibbs Dream Band and arrangements for Milt Jackson by John Clayton showcasing Jay Lawrence on vibes along with Katrina’s exceptional numbers with charts arranged by Geoffrey Keezer, Gordon Goodwin and John Clayton. The Night Star Jazz Orchestra will be performing wide range of music from ballads to burnin’ swing numbers for an evening celebrating jazz and arts education with members of the Ogden High School jazz band.

Jay Lawrence
Admission to the event is free of charge. As part of the evening, we’ll be hosting a fundraiser for those that wish to participate to help Ogden High School Director of Bands, Stan Renda raise funds towards the purchase of a new professional marimba, which can cost upwards of $15,000, for his blossoming percussion and jazz education program. Donations toward the purchase of the new marimba can be made directly to the school at the door or prior by contacting Mr. Renda at
The Night Star Jazz Orchestra presents the Jazz Arts Celebration in conjunction with Jazz At the Station as part of a week of jazz arts education with multiple events happening in Ogden during the week. On May 10th the Heritage Jazz Festival will be taking place from 1 pm to 9 pm with multiple school ensembles at Ogden’s Union Station, culminating with the Night Star Jazz Orchestra May 11th. Also happening in Ogden and throughout Northern Utah that weekend, is the “Spike 150” celebration the 150-year anniversary of the Golden Spike ceremony in Utah, commemorating the completion of the transcontinental railroad in America 150 years ago. A day of jazz is a perfect companion to the events happening throughout Ogden to celebrate the connection of East and West with America’s unique gift to the world that is the art of jazz.

OHS Restored and Renovated Auditorium
The venue for the concert is Ogden High School’s crown jewel auditorium, originally built as part of the WPA program in the 1930’s. The Art Deco school building is a true landmark of Ogden and was restored as part of a community effort to save the building.
The event is generously sponsored in part by the Jazz Education Network Jazz2U grant.
Summerhays Music Center has generously offered to facilitate the purchase of the new marimba, donating shipping and delivery of the new instrument to the school.
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