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NSJO Student Composition Program

By Announcements

We’re exited to announce the first (hopefully annual!) student composition program sponsored by the Night Star Jazz Orchestra. We are opening applications for students in jazz composition to submit new and existing works produced while in school to be performed by the Night Star Jazz Orchestra. This year we are offering two awards of $250 each. We’re committed to helping jazz composition students bring their works to the community. While the funding isn’t very large it is an opportunity to work with other music professionals and to hone your composition and arranging skills.

We will be accepting applications for this year until Dec 5th, 2017. Awards will be announced by Dec 15th, 2017.  Your work will be chosen by a committee of educators and professionals from the Night Star Jazz Orchestra. Undergraduate seniors and masters students are encouraged to apply.

The orchestration for the works should be 5 woodwinds, 4 trombones, 5 trumpets, 4 rhythm. Works that include vibraphone are also accepted. Works with alternate orchestrations will be accepted but standard orchestrations are encouraged. Vocal compositions and arrangements (male tenor or female alto) are also accepted. Utah residents will be given preference but the program is open to all students at accredited Universities in the USA. (We’d like to have you there when your work is performed!) We’ll be planning a performance date in early 2018 to show off your work.

Here are the rules for the program:

  • You must be currently registered at a University in a music program
  • You must submit a short letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor
  • Your work must be at least 50% completed by the time you apply
  • A playable portion of your work should be available to be evaluated in a rehearsal


Questions: please email